Michigan Immigrant Rights Center

MIRC represents individual clients in priority areas including naturalization and citizenship matters and the rights of survivors of domestic violence, refugees, unaccompanied minors, and farmworker rights.

Are you looking for assistance from immigration lawyers? Do you have questions about your rights as an immigrant in Michigan? Call (734) 239-6863, press 1 (Monday through Thursday).

¿Busca asistencia de abogados de inmigración? ¿Tiene preguntas acerca de sus derechos como inmigrante en Michigan? Llame al (734) 239-6863, oprima 1 (lunes a jueves).

Do you have employment complaints or questions about your rights as an immigrant worker? Call (800) 968-4046.
¿Usted es inmigrante y tiene quejas de empleo o preguntas sobre sus derechos laborales? Llame al (800) 968-4046.

For more information about the communities we serve, visit our website: https://michiganimmigrant.org/resources


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