About DVAN

Our Mission

Cooperate, coordinate, and collaborate on all community efforts and levels to eliminate domestic violence.

Domestic violence cannot be solved by one person or one agency alone. Success is defined through a team approach that includes members from the community working together to address this epidemic.

The DVCCRT creates a space that allows for open discussion of difficult cases, problem solving to better serve victims, discussion of more effective and accountable services for perpetrators, collaboration among agencies, creation of sub-committees to address particular concerns, and discussion of ideas on how to increase awareness of domestic violence and its devastating effects on our community.

DVCCRT Timeline


Formation of an informal group of local professions called the Kent County Domestic Violence Task Force. Created a proposal for a coordinated approach to handling domestic violence cases.


Helped eliminate policies requiring victims to wait 7 days before a complaint would be investigated or a warrant issued. Celebrated the assignment of an assistant prosecutor to work specifically on domestic violence cases.


Name changed to Kent County Domestic Violence Coordinating Committee. Grand Rapids Police Department created the “Re-Cap” program, which led to the implementation of a mandatory arrest policy.


Established a crisis intervention program, staffed by students pursuing master’s of social work degrees from the Grand Rapids area.


Held a conference on domestic violence for a variety of law enforcement officials to promote consistent response to domestic violence throughout the community.


Merged with the Domestic Violence Action Team to form the Kent County Domestic Violence Community Coordinated Response Team.


Helped reduce the amount of time it takes to get personal protection orders in Kent County from 7-10 days to 48-72 hours. Coordinated the implementation of the ADT AWARE program in Kent County, which provides security systems free of charge to victims of domestic violence.


Aided the Child Protection Team at DeVos Children’s Hospital in the implementation of the Safe & Bright Futures for Children Initiative.


Sponsored a training for law enforcement and court personnel. Co-sponsored a day-long workshop with nationally known expert and author Lundy Bancroft. Sponsored media training for all members of CCRT. Created domestic violence media packets. Created a CCRT website with links to community resources.


Sponsored a training for law enforcement and court personnel. Co-sponsored a day-long workshop with nationally known expert and author Lundy Bancroft. Sponsored media training for all members of CCRT. Created domestic violence media packets. Created a CCRT website with links to community resources.


Developed a domestic violence prevention effort within schools. Organized and facilitated a CCRT conference for teachers and school personnel. Hosted the event “Understanding the Complexities of Dating and Domestic Violence” at Grand Valley State University. Co-sponsored the “Weed and Seed Conference,” which focused on victims and teens.


Conducted research on the feasibility of establishing a domestic violence fatality review board and/or domestic violence courts. Coordinated and sponsored quarterly CCRT “brown bag” luncheon series on various topics of domestic violence.


Produced a revised version of the Healing Path in English and translated it into Spanish. Continued to coordinate and sponsor quarterly “brown bag” luncheon series.


Worked with Sexual Assault Prevention Action Team to address violence in the workplace. Worked with the State to define “human trafficking” in connection with domestic violence. Supported a “Coaching Boys into Men” program in Kent County.


Facilitated a mayoral proclamation during domestic violence awareness month. Developed a plan to increase visibility of CCRT and domestic violence awareness. Reinforced a commitment to enhanced collaboration with law enforcement.


Launched our new website and started a quarterly newsletter. Created a public awareness poster campaign during Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

We Comprise Of

Community Partners

The DVCCRT is committed to raising awareness about domestic violence and playing an active role in the prevention of domestic violence. Members consist of individuals from the following agencies.

Meeting Times

The DVAN Community meets monthly on the fourth Thursday of the month from 12pm-1:30pm.

Until further notice, the DVCCRT is meeting virtually via Zoom.

To obtain the Zoom link for upcoming meetings, please email info@stopkentviolence.org.
